This month Universal Yums is featuring snacks from Poland. I got the regular size box which is $13 a box. This is an international snack subscription and treats you to snacks from a different country every month. I like it that way because you really get a great (and interesting) variety.
The Cost: $13/month
What You Get: The deluxe Yum Yum box contains 13 or more snacks and the regular Yum box contains 6 or more snacks. Each box will have a mix of salty, sweet, spicy and more to suit every taste and tastebud.
Here’s what was inside:
Onion Potato Prazynki– These are the Polish version of potato chips. They’re kind of like styrofoam Bugles. The texture styrofoam might be if you were to eat it, I mean. They’re actually pretty tasty. And addicting.
Prince Polo Hazelnut– This is a wafer chocolate bar. Wafer cookies are really popular in Europe, I’ve noticed. There’s a million different kinds. This is Polands top selling chocolate bar. I’ve tried this before when I was in Croatia. The chocolate leaves a lot to be desired.
Katarzynki Dark Chocolate Gingerbread– This is chocolate covered soft gingerbread. I was surprised because I was expecting it to be crunchy but it’s super soft and puffy. I ate them all before I wrote this review. You’re lucky there was one left to take a picture of.
Krowki Milky Cream Fudge– (yellow wrappers) This is oddly textured. It tastes like caramel. It crumbled into my mouth when I bit it. It tastes so gooood.
E Wedel Chalwa– I love halva. I do admit to it being an aquired taste and some are definitely better than others, though. This one was quite good (not the best) and was the first thing I decided to try.
Solidarnosc Candied Plums– Instead of a chocolate covered cherry, this is a chocolate covered plum. I’m not sure I will try this. I hate chocolate covered cherries. I think I’ll give this to hubby.
Wawel Raczki Lobster Tails– This is a hard candy shell with a flaky, crispy peanut candy filling. I actually went onto Amazon to see if I could find more. Yep, you can. I love Amazon.
Milka Chocolate Cow– These are cow shaped butter cookies. They melt in your mouth. So gooood!
VERDICT: I think this box might make me fat. I ate pretty much everything in it. Universal Yums does a great job with finding candies, treats and savory snacks for countries around the world and I’ve repurchased several items (or tried to find) via other sources after having found them in their boxes. With that said, I really wish they would either include more full size items and ditch the loose candies or put in at least five of each. There are other $13 snack boxes out there who do it well and don’t include random loose candies. Although, I won’t lie… I loved the Raczki Lobster Tail candies.
If you would like to sign up for Universal Yums, you can do that here.