Pipsticks is a super fun sticker subscription for both adults and kids. I get the Pro version for adults which means the more stickers and more fun. I really like this subscription because it appeals to the kid in me and because everyone needs a little more sticker in their life.
If you scrapbook or love to decorate your planner, you’re going to love this! I like it because you get so many different types and styles of stickers. You get one page of each which I appreciate because sometimes you don’t need three pages of the same kind of sticker but you have to buy them all.
This subscription adds a mystery element to your stickers. You won’t know what you’ll get until you open it up. It also allows me to be more creative than I might have because I get stickers I normally wouldn’t buy but now can find a use for. It’s so fun!
The Cost: $14.95/month for the Classic, $9.95/month for the Petite.
What You Get: Each Pipsticks sticker subscription pack is full of stickers in all shapes, sizes, colors and textures. In addition to cool stickers, you’ll also find some paper goodies like quote cards and post cards (or craft paper in Kids packs) to make good use of your stickers.
I really like getting this type of sticker where they’re on a clear background. And the dogs are adorable!! Sadly no rat terriers but they’re still cute. I have these laid on a large quote card that also comes in the mix so you can see them more clearly. The quote card is for stickering up with whatever you want!
Glittery stickers and artsy comic types. I’m going to use the painting collection for my artist friend when her birthday rolls around. Very appropriate, if I do say so myself. Also I really like the hot pink banners. Those are going in my planner.
More clear background stickers. These are Asian? One is cartoons and the other is cats. You’ll also get a pre-stamped postcard to decorate and send out snail mail. Plus some more window stickers.
I like the Victorian black and whites and the butterflies. The other ones are a little weird but I’m sure I’ll find some use for them.
VERDICT: Pipsticks sends an excellent variety of styles, colors and textures and I appreciate that. The only thing I might want to see more of is puffy stickers or the kind where they pop up off the page. Also, this is the first month were I’ve received repeat stickers. Not exactly the same but definitely a variant. Hopefully, that doesn’t become commonplace. There’s definitely something for every one and there are definitely a lot of stickers. I think this would be perfect for a kid, someone crafty who loves scrapbooking or making their own cards or just as a fun diversion to get those creative juices flowing.
If you would like to sign up for Pipsticks, you can do that here. Use code BITS15 to get 15% off your order!