Burke Decor started up a subscription box of their own called Burke Box. There are four, three are spa related and one is home related. This review is for the Whole Home Box.
The Cost: $55/as often as you like
What You Get: A surprise selection of some of our favorite home goods – from champagne flutes to aprons , desk accessories to throws – it’s everything you need to keep your home looking freshly styled.
Seletti “The Wine Bottle”– This is a porcelain bottle for olive oil. I actually really like this since it fits with my kitchen. The only thing about it I don’t like is that I won’t be able to see the level of oil left but this is much classier than my regular oil bottle. It’s heavy, too.
Value: $35
Sagaform Electric Spice Mill– These are electronic salt and pepper grinders. I have to admit that I absolutely adore this kind of thing. I had one (not this exact one) and my husband managed to drop it and break it. Then I could never find another one anywhere. I just LOVE these for black peppercorns. I struggle with carpal tunnel and using a regular grinder is really hard on my wrists but these! These are just a press of a button and perfect pepper pours plentifully. I couldn’t resist that alliteration.
These have a slightly grippy surface that’s pretty comfortable. These do require 6 AAA batteries which is a lot but they’ll last you forever. My other one needed the same amount of batteries. For me, it’s worth it to save my wrists.
Value: $25.99 each!
Ferm Living Bridges Tea Towel– This is jacquard woven on 100% cotton. This is huge and feels really good to the touch. These are a little out of place with the start white and blacks of the other contents. I could see a towel with blue but this is a strange olivish grayish brownish yellowish. I actually like it but it just doesn’t go with a single thing I own. It’s pretty nice, though. I think I might use it anyway since it’s my favorite size and I like the texture.
Value: $17
VERDICT: This Whole Living Home Decor Burke Box was worth twice the price I paid. I think I got lucky getting something that I truly wanted and needed. Those spice mills are something I’ve been needing for quite awhile and I’m thrilled. Now, I wouldn’t have paid $25 for them unless it was for a pack of two but that’s basically what I did by buying the box. The wine bottle olive oil bottle is a little weird. Now I’m thinking maybe I should display it. Waaaiiiit…. I totally know what I’m doing with it! Every year at Christmas, we have a white elephant gift exchange. I’m totally putting this in there. About the towel, I’m so torn. I really like every single thing about it except the color. Maybe there were other colors and someone will want to trade.
If you would like to sign up for the Whole Home Burke Box, you can do that here. I think you definitely have to either have a sense of humor or a very eclectic style to fully appreciate the types of things they send. It also looks like they went to a more standardized selection of items over sending completely random items like they did last time.
What did you get in your BurkeBox? Were your items this month the same as mine? Did you get anything crazy?