I have to say that this March 2015 Loot Crate is one of the best we’ve received. While I was really (really!) hoping for some No One Lives Forever paraphernalia, what they did send was pretty awesome. Loot Crate is the first gamer subscription box that I started getting and I still think it’s the best, especially for the price. There are other gamer boxes out there that are good but they cost at least $10 more. So I stick with Loot Crate even though I dabble with the others on the side every now and then.
Bond: This is Stirred T-shirt– It’s an emo Bond being sad because his martini was stirred, rather than shaken. It’s silly and cute. I asked Walker if he was going to wear it and he said he would so that means it’s acceptable.
Field Agent Blink Time Wrist Watch– This is something that brings out the kid in me. Since the Loot Crates are actually for my husband, he got first dibs on this and you bet he took it. In fact, he put it on right away and wore it to work today. Haha! I caught him poking it to show the time more than once over the course of the day after I gave it to him, too. He loved it! And really, it is pretty cool. You can actually get this on Amazon, too, in a variety of colors (but we all got black). I poked it right before I took the picture so you can see that it does actually show the time. Otherwise it’s just solid black. There’s no real face, it’s all made of the same material so the time is showing up through rubber.
Paracord Survival Bracelet– So, we have a friend that was in the military and he used to make these for us out of the military green cord. Since the book says this is military-grade, it must be made out of nylon which is nice. This stuff is tough and is used on parachutes (hence the name) among other things. It’s so tough that you could potentially use it to rescue someone from sharks using it or haul yourself up the side of a cliff. Potentially.
Field Notes Special Agent Dossier Notebook 2-pack– So I love Field Notes. I’m actually using another one of their notebooks to keep track of my subscriptions each month. I’m sure I can find something else to use at least one of these for. It’s pretty awesome they gave us two, too. I like that.
Spy Mad Libs– I don’t know about you but when I was a kid, nothing helped alleviate boredom on road trips like Mad Libs. We would do them for hours in the car, laughing hysterically and then fighting to be the one who got to ask the questions and write in the answers. Mad Libs are classics. I’m not sure that I’d do them now at my age but I’m sure I can find a use for them.
Exclusive Agents of Shield Lanyard– This is licensed by Marvel and is the same lanyard and tag worn by people in the show. I haven’t seen the show but apparently I need to. Maybe I should wear this to PAX and see if anyone else is wearing one. Then it could be a little Loot Crate get-together. 😀 This even comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.
Value: I have no idea
Orphan Black Comic Book– Orphan Black is apparently a Canadian sci-fi series about a girl and her clones. I feel like I may have seen the first episode of this awhile ago. Anyway, they’re making it into a comic book and we get the first one. I don’t really do anything with my comic books, though I’m amassing quite a collection now.
Loot Crate also comes with a mini-mag each month with interesting interviews and articles. There’s also a page that features photos of Loot Craters showing off their swag. This month my fellow subscription box addict, Lainey, is on their with her husband! That’s awesome!
You’ll also receive a new pin every month, commemorating your Loot Crate and it’s theme. I keep mine on my PAX lanyard. It’s getting kinda full…
VERDICT: Definitely one of our better Loot Crates. Sometimes I feel like there’s too much paper involved but this one had some good, usable, tangible stuff. I think that the Blink Time Watch might be the best thing in there but the T shirt is fun and I’ll use the Field Notes booklets. I’ll probably end up giving the Mad Libs to my niece to enjoy but I may whip them out at a party if I think of it. The paracord bracelet is nice, too. Walker wore it to work along with his watch. It’s pretty bright because of the orange but he doesn’t care.
If you would like to sign up for Loot Crate, you can do that here. It’s pretty fun. The theme for April is FANTASY and you can see the deets in this post. Make sure to use code SAVE3 to get $3 off your first box.