This Memebox Global #18 is my last Memebox until I buy another one! There have been no new Global offerings and that saddens me because the Globals have been some of my favorites. Recently Memebox has been releasing boxes that ship immediately which I like except for the part where they don’t have info cards.
Memebox has been going through some rough transitions and has been exhibiting some serious growing pains. Just today I received my Memebox order (I ordered the LJH cream from my Haul of Fame sale) and instead received a Skinfood lipgloss and a random mask. Umm… I don’t want that! I want my stuff! So far Memebox has not responded and I’m seriously hoping they still have the LJH cream to send to me.
Anyway! On to the box! Luckily this box does have an Info Card. Since it wasn’t one that shipped right after being released that is as it should be. I think I ordered this back in October.
With my first look at this box, I’m both happy and sad. Happy to see something called Bee Tox and sad to see more Point Pads. I have a pretty big stash of these things now and I even just got some for signing up with TesterKorea!
This box was $23 plus shipping. I paid $16.99 using a combination of coupons and points. This means I paid basically $2 for each item included. I’m totally okay with that, even with the point pads.
I’m starting with my two favorite things. The ultra weird and the super fine. 😀
Purederm Cooling Mint Shower Jelly
I’m happy I got the mint flavor although the Brightening Milk sounds good too. I just *love* minty soaps. This is soap but not soap. It’s a jelly! It’s got the same kind of consistency as the Jello cups you get at the store. It comes with a white mesh bag and you put the jello clump into the white bag, get it wet and then use it to wipe your body with in the shower.
It’s kind of awkward to hold because it’s still slippery even though its in the little bag. I tied a knot in it so it wouldn’t go flying out and jiggle all over the shower floor. It leaves your skin smelling minty fresh, too.
Value: $6
Dr. MJ Bee Tox Control Cream
This is a moisturizer with beeswax, propolis, hyaluronic acid and glycerin. It has bee venom in it, too, although it’s low on the list, along with several plant extracts.
This is another product from the parent company of SharaShara and AHC (the hologram serum people). I haven’t opened this and it’s factory sealed because I have *got* to use the ones I have open now. This has an expire date in late 2016 so I’ve got time.
Value: $50
DermaLift Intensiderm Aqua Rich Cream-15ml x 3
This is a sample size facial moisturizer for dry and damaged skin. It’s a strange bluish gray color and takes some massaging to sink in. The main moisturizer is glycerin but this also has sodium hyaluronate.
This seems sticky at first but it packs a moisturizing punch and I think I’m going to keep one of these in my purse. Plus, this kind of thing really helps when I’m working out in the garden doing Winter cleanup. It’s freezing out there!
EChoice Sweet Rose and Shea Butter Hand Cream
I do not like the smell of roses. I was really hoping to get the cherry blossom but that’s okay. I can find a good home for this with someone who enjoys rose scents. I have other hand creams from eChoice and I really like them.
Value: $4
Touch by Lee Kyung Min Extreme Shield Master
This is interesting! It has a silicon “brush” on the tip and you twist up the bottom and essence oozes out. It’s very oily and ridiculously moisturizing. I wish I could find the ingredients. All I can find is something about lemon balm.
This is for dry, flaky cracking skin so if you’ve got knuckles that do that in the winter, you’re gonna love this.
Value: $14
PureSmile Animal Point Pads in Guava
Mini masks for dry patches. Put them wherever you feel you need some moisture for 5-10 minutes.
I have too many of these already and they’re a cheapo addition to this bag. They’re basically a freebie.
Value: $1
Memebox hasn’t really been WOWing me lately. I think part of it is that I have so much now that more elicits a small groan while thinking where I’m going to keep it all. Luckily, this box has four products that I want to keep and use so that’s pretty good. Over all this is a box of moisturizers. I would prefer to see more variety, especially in a global box. I like skincare but this box should have had at least one makeup item or something! Still, I really hope this isn’t the last one.
Memebox has announced the return of Naked Boxes! I was hoping it was going to be for a new monthly subscription but it appears not. I would totally sign up for a once a month Memebox if they did it. Although if it’s only for the US, I’ll be peeved. Yes, yes, we get it. Memebox loves the USA but there are plenty of other women in other countries who would also love a chance to grab a box like that.
Right, Naked Boxes! It’s been quite awhile since the last Naked Box. Basically it’s a Memebox with the contents shown. No mystery. Sort of like some of their value sets. Past prices have all been $23 for the most part (there might have been a $29) plus shipping. I got Naked Box #14 way back in the day.
Memebox Global #17 is still available for purchase as well. You can see my review here. It’s far more what I expect from a Global and I don’t think it’s a bad box in the slightest.
You can also get Cleanse Morning and Night (see box contents here) and Night Care (see box contents here). Of the two, I personally prefer Night Care.
Don’t forget to use a coupon!! You have two chances this month to get $3 off $30 with these codes:
See all other codes and information on my Memebox Deals page. I update it as often as possible with new coupons, releases and general info. All of the electronic info cards for the latest boxes, as well as the Black Friday and Boxing Day boxes) are linked there, too.