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PetGiftBox Small Dog June 2016 Review and Coupon

If you have dogs and you’re considering a subscription, PetGiftBox is one of the many to choose from. This month features a “Gone Fishing” theme and has two toys and three treats. This composition is pretty much standard with dog subscriptions, though sometimes there might be an extra item tossed in for good measure.

The Cost: $28.99/month

What You Get: A carefully curated, themed box of four to six toys and treats for your pet.

Gone Fishin’ Burlap Toy– This is a burlap toy with crinkle plastic in it and a squeaker. Since my dogs are pretty hard on toys, the squeaker came out after a few hours but the rest of the toy remains intact. It’s an interesting size and Bugsy really liked it.

Scootchie Stuffed Latex Dog Toy– One of the things that stinks is that my dogs don’t like rubbery, latex toys. It stinks because they’re big time chewers and it seems like this type of toy would last longer than a cloth one. I had no hope for this toy but it has a feature Bugsy can’t resist– it squeaks! It has now held his attention for several days. I will say that it’s really gross throwing a slobbery rubber toy. Ew… the sliiiime!

Dog’s Fish Ocean Sushi– These are made in the UK from fish off the coast of Norway (where, incidentally, my Norwegian uncle fishes and crabs for a living). I trust Norwegian fish, I suppose. I’ve had enough of it over the years. Direct from Norway or Alaska, smoked at home and then devoured.

Barkworthies Salmon “Bone”– Salmon skin wrapped into a tube? Yeah, my dogs will LOVE this. It will stink the house up, though, so they have to eat it outside.

Exclusively Dog Salmon Mango Fish Bone– It’s a fishy box, no denying that! Maybe I’ll give one dog the salmon skin and the other this. That way both of them will get some Omega’s.

VERDICT: This month’s theme was super cute and all the treats will definitely get use. The toys are both being loved. The fabric fish (is that Dory?) is already being run around inside and outside the house in Bugsy’s mouth (minus it’s squeaker, of course). I do love getting these boxes because it saves me a trip to the store, I get treats and toys I never would normally purchase and the dogs actually look forward to them. I don’t know how they know but they do. Whenever one of their boxes show up, they sit and stare at them until I open them up. Maybe they smell good?

If you would like to sign up for PetGiftBox,If you choose month to month your first box will be $14.49. If you commit to one year, your first box will be $9.49 and subsequent boxes will be billed at $18.99 for one year. That’s a good deal but it’s a long commitment. I’ve been getting boxes for the dogs for two years now and I don’t think I’ll stop any time soon. They love them WAY too much.