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Candy Box Mini October 2015 Review and Groupon Deal

Candy Box sends an assortment of hard, soft and chocolate candies to your door every month. There are two sizes of box, Mini and Large. This review is for the Mini box. I’m a big fan of candy so I had to try this when I saw a deal on Groupon.

The Cost: $20/month for Mini, $40/month for Large

What You Get: 7-12 candies of all kinds in the Mini Box, 15-20 candies of all kinds in the Large.

Creepy Gummies- Groooss! But perfect for kids, so these will be passed on to my nephew, much to the delight of his mother (bahaha, or not…).

Rock Candy- I’ve never been a fan of rock candy so this will also find a home in a small relatives belly.

Blue Watermelon Lollipop- This is too cute to waste on myself (and probably doesn’t taste super awesome) so I’m putting this in someone’s stocking.

PushPop in Strawberry- So far this is shaping up to be a very fun box for children. The Pushpop will also go in a stocking.

e.fruitti Gummi Pizza- So will this. Once again, too cute to waste on myself.

Nerds- So I did eat these. Yep. I’ve always liked Nerds. Especially the Cherry/Watermelon pack.

AirHeads Bites in Fruit- I’ve never even heard of these before! And they’re way better than the taffy. Yum. I ate them.

PopRocks Dips- My husband likes Poprocks and I always put a package or two in his stocking so he’ll get this.

Nerds Rope- I’ve never had Nerds Rope that I can recall. I think it’s Nerds candies stuck to a stick of licorice. Not positive but my niece *loves* them so it’s hers.

Dip It Triple Dip Sour Candy- I’m not sure about this one yet. It’s cute which means it should go in a stocking but it’s sour which means I’ll probably like it. Is it a newfangled Lik ’em Sticks? I don’t know.

Charms Blowpop- I’ve saved this one for myself. I don’t really feel like eating it right this second (not the like the AirHead bites) but I’ll enjoy it while reading.

Gobstoppers- I used to throw these at my sister when I was little. We shared a room and I’d throw all the grapes and yellows at her while we were in bed. Same with Skittles. 😀

Jolly Rancher Hard Candy Apple Stix- I love Jolly Ranchers and Apple is right up there with Peach for my favorite flavors. Although the Sour ones are definitely in my top five. This is mine.

Oh Henry!- Chocolate, caramel and peanuts. What could be better? Also mine.

VERDICT: While I love the idea of getting fun candies every month, this box is not worth the cost. Especially when you can go to the store and buy all of these things for much cheaper. I don’t mind getting things that I can find at a store but I don’t like the fact that there are so few candies for the price. When someone is buying in bulk, these candies are a fraction of the price. They should have 20 candies in the small box and 40 in the Large!

I would never pay full price for this. You can sign up on the Candy Box website.

HOWEVER! There is currently a Groupon available for this and I think that it can be worth it for the Groupon price.

The Deal:

$9 for a one-month Mini Candy Box subscription
$19 for a one-month Big Candy Box subscription
$27 for a three-month Mini Candy Box subscription
$57 for a three-month Big Candy Box subscription

So sign up for Candy Box via Groupon if you want to try this box.