Quarterly.co has some of the boxes out there. This review is for their new Toys and Collectibles box (#TOY01) but they have SO many other boxes curated by either themselves or a plethora of personalities.
What You Get: Quarterly: Toys & Collectibles will send you items related to Toys, Art, and Design.
Quite honestly I had no idea what to expect in this box. Toys and Collectibles can be very subjective. This box had four items in it.
Ink Whiskey Flask– This is a flask. Cartridge on the outside, beverage on the inside. While I’ll never be filling it with whiskey (or anything else), this is a retro game cartridge featuring CastleVania. Or CastleVodka but whatever. I’ve played Castlevania on the Gameboy. I think I played up to CastleVania 4. I think this is kinda dumb and I wish it actually said CastleVania but thats probably copyrighted.
Surprisingly this is made in my state. Washington.
Value: $20
Kaching Mizna Wada TV Head Artist Series– I have no idea what this is. Or if it’s supposed to be anyone at all. Do you recognize it? Or maybe it’s just something the artist (Mizna Wada) created and it has no basis in gamer culture. Hm..
Value: $11.99
Valve TF2 Sticky Bomb Plushie from Crowded Coop– This is from Team Fortress which I have never actually played. Bugsy went nuts when I pulled it out of the box. How does he know it’s a ball?? He’s a dog and this has spikes and yet he wanted it so bad he laid down on the floor and cried. I didn’t give it to him yet but I might. This also was made by a Washington State company. Or distributed rather, since it was made in China.
Value: $13.99
10-Doh! Squid Kids Ink in Super Double Ninja Battle Bros– This would have been more fun if it was a real game and not a mashup. Maybe I’m too picky, though, because DH loved it.
Value: $35
VERDICT: Personally, I’m croaking over the values for these. These are actual values that I looked up online, not that were given by Quarterly. According to the internets, this box is worth $80. According to me, these look like pretty cheap toys and anyone in their right mind who would pay $35 for a mash up fake Nintendo cartridge… Hopefully just has more money than they know what to do with. I paid $34 for this box. That’s $8.50 an item. Okay, so I’d probably pay that, maybe.
It’s probably more that this box just isn’t my type. I love Loot Crate so much and I think I was hoping it would be more along those lines. DH liked the fake cartridges and I like the Sticky Bomb but neither of us could figure out what the TV Head doll was.
But it’s okay that I didn’t like it! Quarterly has a million boxes and I think I’m gonna get the Rosario Dawson one next. You can check out what Quarterly has on their website here.